
From Jackboxpedia
Gene giving a thumbs up.
Gene giving a thumbs up.
Gene, as depicted in Survive the Internet.
Name Gene
Gender Male
Species Robot/AI
Role(s) Computer opponent
Player avatar
First appearance Survive the Internet
Portrayed by Spencer Ham
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Gene is a character from Survive the Internet. He is voiced by Spencer Ham.


Gene has a round, dark gray levitating spherical head with dark side-parted hair and browline glasses. Other than the hair and glasses, he usually has no face.

His body is either depicted as a plain dark-gray polygonal rectangle with detached hands of a similar color (e.g. Survive the Internet and Mad Verse City), or depicted as a short, smooth bipedal cartoony body (e.g. Roomerang and Jackbox Comix), depending on where he appears, and seems to be able to switch between body types.




  • According to a Reddit AMA, Gene is a "Christian dentist who makes song parody videos with his family of seven".[1]

